Myriam Banks
Hey Mama, I’m Myriam!
I am a mother. I am a traveler..I am a seeker. I am also a woman who pursues joy.
I have gotten over the mom guilt and the “Mama-should” thing (most of the time!). I have reclaimed rest and created space in motherhood to pursue my passions. I’ve stopped buying into the myth that to be a “good mother,” I must DO, BE, and GIVE it all.
I know this story never really worked for you, either.
Deep in your heart, you want the cycle of overwhelm and martyrdom to end with you, too.
You want to raise daughters who hold a high standard of self-care for themselves even in motherhood – who don’t lose their spirit to nurturing others.
You want to raise sons who become engaged fathers and who honor the women in their lives by giving to them as much as they receive.
I support mothers to bust out of the myths of motherhood that keep us playing small and tired and rewrite new stories – ones of greater ease, joy, and purpose.

A little more about me…
I’m a traveler. A photographer. A wife. A dancer. A Mom and a Step-mom .
I was born and raised in France but originally come from Madagascar. Currently, I live in sunny California. I guess that makes me a little exotic “je ne sais quoi?”
I worked as a Dancer and Choreographer for 34 years and a Fashion Merchandiser for fifteen. Yes, I am a RIPE 46 year old woman! Movement and music are as much a part of me as my heartbeat. And you know I appreciate a good pair of shoes.
My husband Darryl is my BFF. Our love story is one of instant flames and deep knowing. Darryl and I were married within 8-months of meeting each other. When you know, you know. We’re each other’s cheerleaders. One thing that bonded us instantly was discovering that we both had orphanages - Darryl’s generous spirit inspires me daily.
Maya & Kailo, my children, are my greatest teachers. I let them teach me about me. I model for them the freedom and fulfillment I expect for them.
My ultimate vision for my life is one of giving. I dream of opening orphanages overseas and creating opportunities for low-income students to go to college. I dream of building a school in my Mom’s village in Madagascar. I know we have work to do in America, too so I am intentional about building a team that is diverse and spiritually
I know that dreams are visions of what’s to come when we commit to taking decisive action towards them. I am SO committed to making these dreams real for myself and supporting mothers to make their wildest dreams come true too.
I chase joy, and I create joy. I know joy is my purpose. I know my purpose is also to help mothers who are burnt-out and lost in motherhood to find their fulfillment too.
Wanna know more about my solo mommy trips and what it means to take the time to pause in motherhood, feed that little voice that says ..there is more to motherhood. Then ..stick around and let me show you that there is a way to have a fulfilled mommy life.