Meet Myriam
Home Renovator, Podcaster, and Selfcare Coach for Moms
Born and Raised in France and originally from Madagascar, I have been brought up with two beautifully curated way of what motherhood should look like from 2 very different countries.
My Journey to a fulfilled a mother was not an easy one but I am here to show you it is possible.

"Feeling good is the work."
“I was five months pregnant when Myriam nudged me to take a trip out of town. I was meh about it. My firstborn was about to turn two and I wanted to stay with him; soak up our intimate time before his brother arrives. But you know? My friend made a lot of sense; I needed some time alone. I needed to detach from motherhood for a little while.
So, Palm Springs, here we come!!! Reservations made, logistics ironed out, the family checked, we drove into our desert oasis. In all transparency, I was nervous; my brain would not switch off about all that could go wrong at home in my absence. Myriam saw through me and recognized me. She cracked jokes; she propped me up; she reminded me of who I am. I relaxed, I breathed deeply, and I let go.
Myriam was not just a friend that rang the bell of my soul light; she is a constant living reminder that its OK to put a period at times in life. We, as mothers, cannot live life in commas all the time."
Della Laira
Denise Najera
“I recently took a solo, self care mama trip to Costa Rica with my dear friend Myriam. I returned deeply refreshed, restored and reconnected with myself.
Let me share my reflections:
Taking care of myself gives me the physical and emotional energy I need to take care of others. SELF CARE IS NOT SELFISH! It is an essential practice.
It’s the commitment I make to myself to choose behaviors that balance the stresses in my life. Exercising, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep and practicing yoga, meditation or relaxation techniques. It teaches me how to self soothe and calm the stress.
In order to be a good mother, wife, doctor and friend I need to make myself a priority. I need to take time to reconnect with who I am and who I want to be....the best version of myself.
As a woman we wear many hats...we feel obligated to be the caretakers. We are expected to do it all...an impossible expectation that usually leaves someone far behind....ourselves.
This trip to Costa Rica was filled with peace, relaxation and gratitude. It gave me the opportunity to be still...to nurture my mind, body spirit and soul.
It reinforced the importance of continuing to choose self care...It’s essential for my health and well being."